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50th Anniversary Buckles

The Old Dominion Endurance Ride TURNS 50!! 

Help us celebrate the 50th anniversary of the OD.


This year for our June ride we will have LIMITED EDITION buckles

available in honor of this anniversary!

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There are three different ways you can get your hands on one of these buckles:​

Riding the Old Dominion 100-mile

Plan to ride the Old Dominion 100-Mile ride and get your buckle for FREE!

You MUST be registered for the ride by May 6th!


LET US KNOW NOW by filling out the buckle order jotform to reserve your buckle!!

If you do not fill out this form, we may not be able to reserve a buckle for you

Riding your FIRST Old Dominion 55-mile

If you have not previously participated in the OD 55-Mile, then:

Plan to ride your first Old Dominion 55-Mile ride and get your buckle for FREE!

You MUST be registered for the ride by May 6th!


LET US KNOW NOW by filling out the buckle order jotform to reserve your buckle!!

If you do not fill out this form, we may not be able to reserve a buckle for you

Purchase the Buckle Now

[ $48 per buckle! ]

[ Additional $15 if being shipped ]


25-Mile participants:

If you would like a buckle as part of your completion price,

you may purchase and reserve a buckle now

(this is the only time we will offer an OD buckle to 25-milers!)

LET US KNOW NOW by filling out the buckle order jotform to order/reserve your buckle!!



You may purchase a buckle for yourself, your crew, whomever!

First come until we run out, fill out the buckle order jotform to order

If you are purchasing a buckle:

please return to this page to pay after submitting your form

and follow the payment option instructions below!

Payment Options

To Pay by PayPal

  • click on the below PayPal button, which should take you to a screen that shows the ODEEO logo

  • click on the “Send” button

  • log into your PayPal account

  • fill in the amount of your buckle

    • $48, if you are picking up your buckle at the June ride​

    • Additional $15, if you are having the buckle shipped to you

  • fill in the “What’s this payment for?” box with “Buckle Payment - Your Name & Delivery Method”,
      such as “Buckle Payment – Jane Doe, Shipped”

  • click "Continue”

  • follow PayPal’s directions from there





Once you have paid, you will receive a confirmation email with your receipt. Forward the confirmation email to Diane Connolly, at:



To Pay by Credit Card

  • click on the below Square button, which should take you to a screen that shows the ODEEO logo

  • fill in the amount of your buckle

    • $48, if you are picking up your buckle at the June ride​

    • Additional $15, if you are having the buckle shipped to you

  • click "Checkout"

  • fill in the "Contact" and "Payment" sections

  • click "Pay" at the bottom

  • follow Square’s directions from there





Once you have paid, you will receive a confirmation email with your receipt. Forward the confirmation email to Diane Connolly, at:



To Pay By Check – Mail your check (made to 'Old Dominion Equestrian Endurance Organization, Inc.') to

Susan Trader, 16813 Clarkes Gap Rd., Paeonian Springs, VA 20129

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Help us celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Old Dominion!

Every week until the June ride we will post a trivia question regarding the Old Dominion ride on our Facebook page and through our Membership emails!


Questions posted every Tuesday -- Answers will be posted each Friday!

Test you knowledge and post your answers on our Facebook!


You can also find previously posted Q/As on our Trivia page!


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  • YouTube
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Old Dominion Equestrian Endurance Organization rides and events are privately held and are open only to registered participants and their guests, ride/event management, volunteers, and staff. All ODEEO endurance rides are sanctioned by the AERC. AERC rules and regulations apply. Please read the rule book at for complete information.


The Old Dominion Equestrian Endurance Organization, Inc is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. No photos or graphics may be used, copied, or downloaded without the express permission of the website designer and/or credited photographer(s).

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